The Road to Hana

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The Road to Hana has proven to be one of my favorite days/activities I have done since arriving on Maui. As one of the island’s major tourist “attractions” I have heard that this was a must do. My parents who frequent Maui claim that driving this long twisted road remains one of their favorite parts about this place. To ensure that we would indeed be able to see the entire thing (Hawaii’s guidebook had a huge section on the road) the group set off to start the day at 6am. I know what you may be thinking… “what could be worth waking up that early for?” Be rest assured the sights are well worth the early morning.

As we piled in the car at the start of the day we all promised to stop at every major cool stop. Each making a mental list of the things we each wanted to see/do. Mine was buy banana bread from Julia’s best banana bread (which I sadly never found.)

As we started the drive our first stop of many was an absolutely beautiful waterfall. In all honesty this was the first waterfall I saw in person so I was stoked. This was the first of many unreal waterfall sights that can be seen along the road. When we stopped at our next set of waterfalls we opted to hike back to it. This proved to be an incredibly difficult task to perform in Birkenstocks so I recommend you wear real shoes! Being able to see the beautiful bit of nature from the side of a highway then right up close was a dream.

Further along the road we found out there was a big freshwater pool and waterfall we could swim in. I obviously had to jump at the chance to mark swimming under a waterfall off of my bucket-list. As we arrived to our destination we only saw people milling around the fence around the waterfall. The group felt we needed to hop the fence and get in the water. The water as we jumped in was freezing cold but also incredibly refreshing! I was so jazzed to be able to see the road in a slightly different manner. This was how we saw every major stop along the way. Hiking as far back as possible, taking the road less traveled and taking in as many sights as humanly possible. Another major super awesome nature moments was watching the sunset on a secluded black sand beach which we stumbled upon. Though it was the third black sand beach of the day it was my favorite because in that moment the sky was absolutely perfect and it was the perfect ending to the perfect tourist day that you have to do every once and a while.

The Road to Hana is 50 miles of absolute madness. From the crazy turns in the road to the perfect sights every few miles. From amazing waterfalls to stand among giant rainbow eucalyptus trees I was in awe the entire time.

For anyone ever looking to stay on Maui this is a must do if you are a fan of nature and beauty. If you’re not… you probably shouldn’t come to the island!

Until next time,



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